
went with my sis to esplanade theatre to watch 宝岛一村 yesterday...dinnoe wat exactly the play is about when my sis ask me whether wanna catch it with her or not...to me like ok lor...haha as if i can say no??? haha joking...then she say the playwright n director is 赖声川...hmm heard of his name b4...a famous taiwan play director...so dun mind to see...haha...my 2nd time watching chinese play...plus the cast are quite good...including some of those taiwanese drama actors n actresses...keke...those auntie shows...
the play is about a part of taiwan history...about the dependant village...where during the late 1940s, when KMT ppl fled to taiwan from china and these villages are where the KMT military ppl settle in...initially they tot was just temporary...will go back china after KMT win the communist...their politics ideals...but then as years past by...they stayed on...producing the next generation...the play shows n tells how the 50 years plus of history through the tale of 3 families living in one of these villages...showing the everyday life...its the experience, the story, the daily life that sets a certain culture and history..and also how the opening up of china to the taiwanese made an impact to the 1st generation of these people...going back to visit their relatives...issues of family, love, growing up is being told in a fun n witty way... as the plot n story unfolds towards the end...things get touchy n emotional as the main characters fade off due to age...fate of 生老病死...worth watching esp with the strong cast =)
人生要开心, 尽量开心, 即使是一个人, 也要开心
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