Saturday, May 06, 2006

external critique

had my external critique panel was tan kay ngee and bryan lawson from UK
well...its was an alrite crit bah...they din really crit much on my project per se...but they were more on like why i din approach from the calm...poetic approach...rather than trying to evoke "horror" through the spaces...the idea of anticipation...the calm b4 the storm alfred hitchcock movie...also pointed a place in turkey...where a whole ancient city was submerge below water...due to earthquake...when u visit it...u only see the view of the calm shimmering waters..unless u peer down n see the ruins of the city...the foot prints...the calm..poetic contemplative mood...(they say this comes with age...hmmm....)
kay ngee pointed out that probably i designed in that manner cos it looks in vogue...(ahhh!!!) comparing the design to a painting done by a German painter...on iceberg...the shards and stuff
they also touch on the point on why i din engage with the water...the significance of the tidal wave...the height of the highest tsunami wave...etc....
well in the end...commented that i was a competent student...and that i could do better in the it good or bad???


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