Monday, December 25, 2006

周杰倫 - 菊花台

movies that i watched this weekend

curse of the golden flower
a very elaborate movie espeically in the settings and costumes. the cast is good, esp Gong Li & Chow Yun Fatt...excellent acting by them. anto to forget the title song by jay zhou <<菊花台>>, which is in his latest album. you will realise that the meaning of the lyrics after the movie.

sketches of frank gehry
a documentary on frank gehry, one of the world famous architect, whose sentosa IR design din get selected, what a pity. the documentray showcase a few outstanding architecture and also the design process when he does his architecture. a must watch for whoever that is interested in architecture.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas

HoHoHo! Merry Christmas to all my blog readers, c",)!

May the coolness from the RAINY season bring a winter feel to this christmas!

my team dinner photo

the photo we took outside at the reception lobby of novotel riverside after our tema dinner buffet there.
1st row of guys: Khalil, Me, Wynn (Viet), Lawerence
2nd row: Carlos (Filipino), Fanjing (PRC), Wang Yan (PRC), Mr Liu, Cheeli, Joyce (team leader), Huey Min, Lay Peng, Ellen (LTK's secretary) and Daniel

Sunday, December 17, 2006

"new" SBS bus interior

board onto my usual 132 bus to work on friday morning and the interior was very interesting...lounge seats and realsied its a advertisement for NOKIA's some of the pictures...a very refreshing bus ride

s, m, l

theres a "political" joke that i heard recently:

There's different sizes for clothing, S (small), M (medium, L (large)...
Its the same for politics in singapore, we have Sm (senior minister), then Mm (minister mentor), and then in the future there will be Lm...guess whats Lm?

Lm...(late minister) opps

past week...

past week has been quite alrite for me. got a new project at work, working together with my other collegue on a architecture project...=)...a religious building...

had our team dinner on friday at novotel riverfront, buffet...not too bad...nice ambienece with a view to the singapore river...had gift exchange too...haha but not a smooth one cos some names got mixed up and in the end someone got 2 and the other, lucky we discovered b4 the actual thing and rectify the problem. (actually it started cos i picked my own name, then when i redraw, cheeli dropped in hers;another collegue hasn't picked yet (so theres 3 in the box) and then when i redraw i picked the one cheeli dropped in and cheeli picked up another one but tot its the same one she dropped, thats how the confusion occur)

will be going for my driving lesson later...been awhile haven't touch the car le...haha...opps

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

KL trip 29 dec til the new year

yeapz will be going to KL for a short holiday with my frens, ben, cj and kit c",) this coming 29th dec ... a short break

Sunday, December 10, 2006

品冠 - 哄我入睡 MV

recent fotos of me

photos taken at pacific coffee company at marina square by my fren, kit using his sony ericcson hp

my new running shoes

christmas tree in office

the christmas tree up in our office...opps my collegue layping caught in the picture
the bear, star & opps the mooncake festival lantern in the background

the cute bear...opps check out the lightbulb

MIA for a few weeks

Haven't been updating my blog for awhile. Cos laptop send to service and sis had to do soem work for the week...and when laptop recovered desktop went "sick"...and also the bz not able to update them...

anyway nothing much has happen so has been more or less the same...hope the rest of you have been getting on fine...stay smiling...